Saturday, February 5, 2011

Amplifiers Earthquake Of San Francisco For Sale

Four Steps ... by Ben - Thirtieth bet

John, Borz, a boy was very cheerful and smiling. Each of his speech was accompanied by a giggle and by the inevitable movement of the legs. It became for me a reference point for all times, then I would have stayed in Florence to study. Him I was staying in his house to eat and study and, if necessary, even to sleep. His family, of the rural south, was very friendly. His mother and his father soon became Mom and Dad Borz Borz.
I grew fond of that family and John.
felt a special affection for him, even though our friendship was never deep in that time, perhaps for the many differences in character between the two of us. I looked very mature, show a few more years of the sixteen I had, as he sometimes seemed to have something less, perhaps because he was always that little laugh on his lips.
We were the one on the other hand: I loved to say little, he liked to talk a lot and I was serious, He laughed all the time, I had measured the movement, he moved his limbs all the time, I am an introvert, he expansive.
Maybe we complement each other, but then direct our friends to different people.
We were a large class, mostly young students from two classes, as well as those who, like me, came from other schools in Florence and beyond. In fact there were two guys who came from Montecatini, Simon and James. We were the three "foreigners".
Gradually I began to know the others, especially those I met on the bus, as Luke and Tamara Cecilia.
Simon and James did not take the train to get to Florence, but the bus and, although living farther than me, paradoxically, took less time on the outward, both to return.
order not to miss the train back, that of 14.06, had to issue me a permit to leave ten minutes before the normal end of the class.
In class there was a girl of Foggia, and I honestly do not ever understood the reason for its inclusion, because it was a few times and then stopped permanently, as it did shortly after Tamara, who went back to Accounting, the normal course.
was not a homogeneous class and united, at least initially, because the boys are part of the two blocks are still in their positions, without trying to bond with others.
So, I can say, we were divided into three sections: on the one hand, there was a block from a class, the other block from the other class, and among all the others who for the first time attending the Galilei.
to throw it on the political was a little 'how to be in parliament: Left, Right and Center.
These differences were noted even in the assemblies, where the blocks had ideas and positions clearly delineated and different.
Well, I had a great impression of my new classmates.
addition to John, my preferences were for Luke, Carmen, Cecilia, Stefania, said John Juba, and Elena, with others I met many difficulties.


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